Meta Genética:BAYER-1295/NS
Semen, Semen & Embriones, Temas 15:10
Información sobre la línea de sangre:
Padre : Bürgl 865/09
Madre: Hyszinthe 92788/09
Nacimiento: 02-01-55
BAYER, the founder of a great Lower Bavarian Fleckvieh bloodline, is well known in all important beef producing countries for the extreme muscling, length, pigmentation and ability to adapt to different climatic zones. This line shows a great suitability for crossbreeding with Bos indicus cattle in order to take advantage of hybrid vigour.
The BAYER-line
(For more information please click on the name of the bulls - Please print in vertical format) |
Fuente: Bayern-Genetik GmbH
Zaldibia Beiner Group-Cabaña Inde
Publicado por Zaldibia Beiner
on 15:10.
Filed under
Semen & Embriones,
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